With most of the classrooms and side areas locked or otherwise inaccessible, evading your pursuer is made almost impossible. The first hour or so of White Day is particularly punishing in this respect. Even if you do manage to evade them, it can take several minutes for janitors to lose the scent and move on to a different area. Although you can run away, shut downs, and crouch into hiding spots, it’s an awkward, unreliable tactic. Stepping into their vision cone, switching on lights, or making too much noise will alert them and, once triggered, they’re annoyingly difficult to shake off. As mentioned before, Yeondu’s janitors are on the prowl and will attack you on sight, forcing the need to move around carefully. That’s not to say White Day is completely devoid of any action.
While some of the puzzles are fairly basic (use item A on object B) others are quite inventive, requiring players to review their surroundings as well as the various documents they’ve collected. For the most part you’ll be scouring classrooms, labs, and hallways for clues that will help unlock new areas and push the story forward.